Frequency of individual cases with specific AEs among BNT and ChA recipients divided into age groups and sex. The frequency of individual cases with specific AEs divided into age ranges was obtained by normalization of the number of individual cases (Table S7) with the doses supposedly administered to each age range in Europe. To evaluate the doses supposedly administered to each age range in Europe, we considered the doses administered by the European countries providing data regarding administration of each vaccine to age ranges (Figure S1) and supposed that the same distribution was present in Europe. For the sex distribution of vaccine administration, we hypothesized three scenarios: the scenario with female (red):male (blue) = 3:2 is reported with solid lines; the scenarios where the female:male ratio is 4:2 and 2:2 are reported as dotted lines. The mean frequency of individual cases with SAEs consisting of cerebral venous thrombosis (A), splanchnic venous thrombosis (B), thrombocytopenia (C), and cerebral venous thrombosis and/or splanchnic venous thrombosis and/or thrombocytopenia (D) are reported. The frequency of AEs reported in panel D is lower than the sum of the AE frequency reported in panels A, B, and C because one individual case may suffer from 2 or 3 AEs simultaneously. Statistical analyses were not conducted because we could not establish which vaccine administration ratio for females:males was the “true” one, and it may be different at different ages. Therefore, the figure can suggest about the different frequency of AEs, particularly when the red area does not overlap with the blue area (mainly at the age range 25–49 years).