Table 1.
SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants of interest.
Pango lineage | Nextstrain clade8 | First detection location | VOI or VOC | WHO71 designation | Mutations of interest on S protein | Observed clinical effect |
Transmissibility | Virulence | Antigenicity | ||||||
B.1.1.7 | 20I/501Y.V1 | United Kingdom | VOC | Alpha | N501Y, E484K∗, P681H, D614G |
50–100% higher2 | 39–72% more lethal41 | No impact on NBA Minimal impact on NBSa |
B.1.351 | 20H/501Y.V2 | South Africa | VOC | Beta | N501Y, K417N, E484K, D614G |
20–113% higher72 | – | Moderately reduced NBAa Reduced NBSa |
P.1 | 20J/501Y.V3 | Brazil/Japan | VOC | Gamma | N501Y, K417T, E484K, D614G |
70–140% higher, evades immunity 21–46% more5 | 20–90% more lethal5 | Moderately reduced NBAa Reduced NBSa |
B.1.427 and B.1.429 | 21C/S:452R | United States (California) | VOI | Epsilon | L452R, D614G |
18–22% higher73 | – | Moderately reduced NBAa Reduced NBSa |
B.1.525 | 21D | United States (New York)/Nigeria | VOI | Eta | A67V, E484K, D614G, Q677H, F888L | – | – | Potentially reduced NBAa Potentially reduced NBSa |
B.1.526 | 21F | United States (New York) | VOI | Iota | L5F∗, T95I, D253G, S477N∗, E484K, D614G, A701V∗ | – | – | Moderately reduced NBAa Reduced NBSa |
B.1.617.1 | 21B/S:154K | India | VOI | Kappa | (T95I), G142D, E154K, L452R, E484Q, D614G, P681R, Q1071H | Secondary attack rates similar to B.1.1.774 | – | Potentially reduced NBAa Potentially reduced NBSa |
B.1.617.2 | 21A/S:478K | India | VOC | Delta | T19R, G142D∗, 156del, 157del, R158G, L452R, T478K, D614G, P681R, D950N | Secondary attack rates higher than B.1.1.7; household transmission 64% higher than B.1.1.7 (26–113% higher)74 | – | Potentially reduced NBAa Potentially reduced NBSa |
B.1.617.3 | 20A | India | VOI | T19R, G142D, L452R, E484Q, D614G, P681R, D950N | – | – | Potentially reduced NBAa Potentially reduced NBSa |
P.2 | 20J | Brazil | VOI | Zeta | E484K, D614G, V1176F | – | – | Potentially reduced NBAa Reduced NBSa |
Here we have used the variant classification of the Centre for Disease Control of the United States and modified from the CDC data table, which lists additional mutations and information about clinical effectsa. Nextstrain clade names start with the year of origin and distinguish lineages that reach a global frequency of 20%, so the name of a lineage can change if it increases in frequency8. NBA: Neutralization by antibodies (monoclonal antibodies in therapeutic use); NBS: Neutralization by convalescent and/or post-vaccination sera (variant relative to non-variant). VOI and VOC designations vary over time (e.g. B.1.427 and B.1.429 were previously designated as VOC by the CDCa, accessed 13 June 2021) and by country (e.g. Canada designates the entire B.1.617 clade as a VOCb) because of different evaluations of the existing evidence.
Mutation detected in some sequences within the lineage. Ranges give 95% confidence intervals or credible intervals, except for the transmission rate of B.1.1.7 (a consensus estimate across models2) and for P.1 (50% Bayesian credible intervals).; ‘moderate’ includes modest decreases and/or cases where alternative antibody treatments remain available.