Fig. 3.
Real-time PCR analysis using specific primers for cytokines. a Relative IL-1α gene expression from HaCaT irradiated with laser and after treatment with HCC and H-HA. b Relative IL1β, gene expression from HaCaT irradiated with laser and after treatment with HCC and H-HA. c Relative TNFα gene expression from HaCaT irradiated with laser and after treatment with HCC and H-HA. d Relative TGFβ gene expression from HaCaT irradiated with laser and after treatment with HCC and H-HA. Results were considered significantly different for ptukey < 0.05 # vs CTR, * vs CTR + LASER, § vs HCC, ° vs HCC + LASER, $ vs HHA, & vs HHA + LASER for each of the 6 families compared (tables in supplementary files)