Sex |
Female |
198 (59.3) |
Male |
136 (40.7) |
Race |
Asian |
3 (0.9) |
Black |
6 (1.8) |
Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
1 (0.3) |
More than one race |
5 (1.5) |
White |
312 (93.4) |
Not reported |
7 (2.1) |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic or Latino |
11 (3.3) |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
300 (89.8) |
Not reported |
23 (6.9) |
Has Children < 18 Living in Home |
Yes |
47 (14.1) |
No |
287 (85.9) |
Marital status |
Married/domestic partnership |
221 (66.2) |
Separated/divorced |
51 (15.3) |
Single, never married |
46 (13.8) |
Widowed |
16 (4.8) |
Combined household income |
$0–$20,000 |
14 (4.2) |
$20,001–$50,000 |
66 (19.8) |
$50,001–$80,000 |
79 (23.7) |
$80,001–$110,000 |
59 (17.7) |
>$110,000 |
86 (25.7) |
Unknown/Not reported |
30 (9) |
Highest level of education |
High school graduate or equivalent |
19 (5.7) |
Some college |
42 (12.6) |
Trade/tech/vocational training |
11 (3.3) |
Associate degree |
30 (9) |
Bachelor’s degree |
109 (32.6) |
Master’s degree |
82 (24.6) |
Professional degree |
12 (3.6) |
Doctorate degree |
29 (8.7) |
Employment status |
Employed, working ≥ 40 hr per week |
100 (29.9) |
Employed, working < 40 hr per week |
51 (15.3) |
Not employed, looking for work |
12 (3.6) |
Not employed, not lot looking for work |
14 (4.2) |
Retired |
138 (41.3) |
Disabled, not able to work |
19 (5.7) |
Environment where subject lives |
Rural |
54 (16.2) |
Suburban |
194 (58.1) |
Urban |
86 (25.7) |
Region |
Midwest East North Central |
44 (13.2) |
Midwest West North Central |
24 (7.2) |
Northeast Mid-Atlantic |
34 (10.2) |
Northeast New England |
15 (4.5) |
South Atlantic |
81 (24.3) |
South East South Central |
11 (3.3) |
South West South Central |
28 (8.4) |
West Mountain |
33 (9.9) |
West Pacific |
54 (16.2) |
Not Reported |
9 (2.7) |
Listening Modality |
Bilateral CI |
158 (47.3) |
CI and Hearing Aid |
105 (31.4) |
CI without Hearing Aid |
71 (21.3) |