Fig. 7. Treg Paths in allo-HSCT patients with or without aGVHD.
a Trajectory analysis for Treg cell clusters in allo-HSCT patients, colored by subsets (nG PB: n = 3, nG BM: n = 3, aG PB: n = 4, nG BM: n = 3). The insert picture shows the proportions of different Treg cell paths in each subset. b Heatmaps showing the GSVA enrichment score of selected pathways for each Treg cell path. c Heatmaps showing the expression of migration and suppression-associated genes in Treg Paths. The blue font indicated that the genes were significantly down-regulated in aGVHD patients, compared with non-aGVHD patients (p < 0.05). The red font indicated that the genes were significantly up-regulated in aGVHD patients, compared with non-aGVHD patients (p < 0.05). In c, gene normalized expressions were used and p values were determined by Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.