Figure 2.
Last observation carried forward (LOCF) prediction of recovery per assessment over the time course of 1 year, cross-fading the underlying raw values. The solid black line represents the predicted recovery pattern, based on log-transformed difference in means (MNLN) within the confidence interval of the prediction (dashed lines). The green horizontal line resembles a healthy score, respective to 100% recovery. The gray dots represent the underlying data points, with the size depicting the sample size of the respective data point. How these underlying data points are related is presented in Supplementary Figure 1. ARAT, Action Research Arm Test; BBT, Box and Block test; F-M, Fugl–Meyer Assessment (upper extremity); GRIP, grip force; MI, Motricity Index; PEG, peg test; RMA, Rivermead Motor Assessment; SIS, Stroke Impact Scale; WMFT, Wolf Motor Function Test.