Before biobanking, newly isolated cell cultures undergo a standardized quality control check. (A) In a representative set of primary cells (CLP-Lip, Forehead, Gingiva, and PDL) live imaging pictures show typical cell morphologies of the patient-derived keratinocytes (orange) and fibroblasts (green). While keratinocytes form tightly packed and cohesive colonies, fibroblasts appear with an elongated and spindle-like shape. Scale bar: 50 μm. (B) The same set of primary cells was used for qPCR (top) and immunoblot analysis (bottom) confirming E-Cadherin (CDH1) and fibronectin (FN) expression in keratinocytes (orange bars) and fibroblasts (green bars), respectively. Data are expressed as mean ± SD. n = 3. (C) Mycoplasma contamination of the new cell cultures is tested by DAPI staining of the nuclei and a PCR-based mycoplasma detection analysis. DAPI staining and PCR amplifications are shown to confirm absence of mycoplasma contamination in the same representative set of newly isolated primary cell cultures. Scale bars: 25 μm (Live Imaging keratinocytes), 50 μm (Live Imaging fibroblasts), 10 μm (DAPI). +positive control; –negative control; PDL: periodontal ligament. *p < 0.05 Ep vs. Fb. (D) Lifespan analysis of two representative keratinocyte (CLP lip, red, and forehead, orange) and two fibroblast strains (gingiva, green, and PDL, yellow) reveals that all cell cultures tested have a replicative potential of at least 35 population doublings (PD). The age of the tissue donors is indicated in the brackets. Y: year; Ep: epithelial cells; Fb: fibroblasts.