Comparing the discrimination power of power spectral density (PSD)/amplitude spectral density (ASD) vs. mean square displacement (MSD) analyses for intracellular mechanical work. T-statistics values for the difference between cells before ATP depletion and the same cells after ATP depletion according to the two groups of parameters: ASD/PSD analysis based parameters in compare to MSD analysis based parameters. Corresponding parameters from the two groups are compared: the b parameter vs. α, sum of squared errors (SSE) of amplitudes vs. SSE of MSD’s, and “Sum of powers” vs. Sum of MSD’s. The t-statistics value for the ergodic test (described in “Results” section) is also presented. The P-values for the difference in t-statistics values between ASD/PSD parameters and the corresponding MSD parameters was calculated according to t-test for paired two samples and was found to be 0.03.