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. 2021 Jun 10;9:673502. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.673502


Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) family and role of specific forms discussed in this review.

Type Group Sub types Other name Molecular weight (kDa) Catalytic residue References PLA2 forms discussed
cPLA2 IV α (A) β (B) γ (C) δ (D) ε (E) ζ (F) 60–114 Ser/asp Dennis et al., 2011; Leslie, 2015 cPLA2-IVα in lipid signaling
iPLA2 VI β (A) γ (B) δ (C) ε (D) ζ (E) η (F) PNPLA9 PNPLA8 PNPLA6 PNPLA3 PNPLA2 PNPLA4 27–146 Ser/Asp Dennis et al., 2011; Ramanadham et al., 2015 iPLA2-VIβ in supporting focal exocytosis at the phagocytic cup
sPLA2 I II III V IX X XI XII XIII XIV A, B A, B, C, D, E, F A, B A, B 10–19 His/Asp Dennis et al., 2011; Murakami et al., 2015; Murakami, 2017 sPLA2-IIA, V, X, XII as antimicrobial forms at the phagocytic cup and within closed phagosomes
LPLA2 XV 45 Ser/His/Asp Dennis et al., 2011; Fisher, 2018 LPLA2 having bacteriocidal activity at the phagocytic cup and within phagolysosomes Also, its membrane repair mechanism
aiPLA2 XVI Peroxiredoxin 6 25 Ser/His/Asp Fisher, 2018 aiPLA2regulating NOX2 assembly, and its membrane repair mechanism
PAF-AH VIIA VIIB VIII Lp-PLA2, PLA2VII PAF-AH II PAF-AH I (PAFAH1B1 PAFAH1B2 PAFAH1B3) 26–45 Ser/His/Asp Dennis et al., 2011; Karasawa and Inoue, 2015 Not discussed as relevant information was not found