Table 1.
List of variables (with units) and the applied transformations. Variable shortcuts (first column) correspond to Supplement Table 1.
Data | Name (units) | Transformation f(x) |
T2M, T2MMAX, T2MMIN, T10M, T10MMAX, T10MMIN, TS, T2MWET | Temperatures (°C) | None |
RH2M | Relative humidity at 2 m (%) | -log(max(x) - x) |
QV2M | Specific humidity at 2 m (g/kg) | log(x) |
T2MDEW | Dew Point (°C) | None |
PRECTOT | Precipitation (mm/day) | x1/3 |
TQV | Total Column Precipitable Water (cm) | log(x) |
CLRSKY_SFC_SW_DWN | Clear Sky Insolation Incident on a Horizontal Surface (MJ/m2/day) | -(max(x) - x)1/3 |
ALLSKY_SFC_LW_DWN | Downward Thermal Infrared (Longwave) Radiative Flux (MJ/m2/day) | log(x) |
ALLSKY_SFC_SW_DWN | All Sky Insolation Incident on a Horizontal Surface (MJ/m2/day) | log(x) |
OpenUVmax | UV radiation index | x1/3 |
WS2M | Wind speed at 2 m | None |
WS10M | Wind speed at 10 m | None |
P | Pressure | x1/2 |
Population over 65 (%) | Population over 65 (%) | None |
Life Expectancy | Life Expectancy at Birth (years) | -(max(x) - x)1/2 |
Median age | Median age (years) | -(max(x) - x)1/2 |
Youth population | Population under 18 (%) | log(x) |
Population density | Population density (people/km2) | log(x) |
BUAPC | Built Up Area Per Capita (km2/people) | log(x) |
Urban Population | Urban Population (%) | -(max(x) - x)1/2 |
HDI | Human development index (0–1) Average of education, health and standard of living. (Mean years of schooling of adults aged 25+, Expected years of schooling of children aged 6 + Life expectancy at birth + GNIpc)/3 | -(max(x) - x)1/2 |
GDPpc | Gross domestic product per capita | log(x) |
Infant mortality rate | Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births) | -log(x) |
Child mortality | Child Mortality (age 1–4, per 1000 population) | -log(x) |
Alcohol consumption | Adults alcohol consumption binge drinking (%) | log(x) |
Foreign-born population | Foreign-born population (%) | log(x) |
Obesity | Obesity age 20 and older (%) | None |
CVD deaths | Age 65+ Cardiovascular disease deaths per 100000 people | log(x) |
Hypertension | Adults with Hypertension (%) | log(x) |
High cholesterol | Population with high cholesterol (%) | None |
Smoking | Population smoking (%) | None |
Cardiovascular disease | Population with cardiovascular disease (%) | None |
Diabetes | Population with diabetes (%) | x1/3 |
Cancer | Population with cancer (%) | None |
Chronic kidney disease | Population with chronic kidney disease (%) | x1/2 |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | Population with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (%) | log(x) |
Multiple chronic conditions | Population with multiple chronic conditions (%) | None |
Physical inactivity | Population physically inactive (%) | x1/3 |
Male percent | Fraction of male in the population (%) | log(x) |
White percent | Fraction of white in the population (%) | -log(max(x) - x) |
Black percent | Fraction of black in the population (%) | x1/3 |
Native percent | Fraction of native in the population (%) | log(x) |
Asian percent | Fraction of Asian in the population (%) | log(x) |
Latino percent | Fraction of Latino in the population (%) | log(x) |
No health insurance children | No health insurance under 18 (%) | x1/2 |
No health insurance adults | No health insurance 18–64 (%) | None |
No health insurance all | No health insurance all population (%) | None |
No insurance black | No health insurance black (%) | None |
No insurance native | No health insurance native (%) | x1/3 |
No insurance Asian | No health insurance Asian (%) | x1/2 |
No insurance Latino | No health insurance Latino (%) | None |
No insurance white | No health insurance white (%) | None |
PM2.5 | PM2.5 concentration (μg/m3) | None |
PM10 | PM10 concentration (μg/m3) | x1/2 |
CO | CO concentration (ppm, 10−6) | x1/2 |
NO2 | NO2 concentration (ppb, 10−9) | None |
SO2 | SO2 concentration (ppb) | log(x - min(x)) |
O3 | O3 concentration (ppm) | None |
VOC | Volatile organic compounds concentration (ppb Carbon) | log(x) |
Lead | Lead concentration (μg/m3) | log(x) |
HAPs | Hazardous air pollutants concentration (μg/m3) | (x-min(x))1/2 |
NONOxNOy | Nitrous oxides concentration (ppb) | x1/3 |
R0 | Estimated basic reproduction number | log(x) |