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. 2021 May 2;6(3):404–413. doi: 10.1002/lio2.558


Case series demographic information

Patients (n) 10
Affected parotid glands (n) 13
Age, mean years [range] 52 [27‐68]
Sex (M:F) 2:8
Autoimmune disorder (n, %) 5 (50%)
Pre‐treatment COSS
Mean score [range] 47 [28.5‐75.5]
2‐3 months post‐Botox COSS
Mean score [range] 25.9 [18.5‐53]*
9‐12 months post‐Botox COSS
Mean score [range] 26.1 [18.5‐51.5]
Presenting symptom (n, % of glands)
Swelling only 5 (38%)
Swelling and pain 7 (54%)
Itching 1 (8%)

Abbreviations: COSS, Chronic Obstructive Sialadenitis Symptoms Score; M:F, male to female ratio; n, number.

*P < .05 denotes significant difference from baseline.