recognition of (mutant) fragaceatoxin C. Mutations are
shown in red on the lumen of fragaceatoxin C modeled on PDB: 4TSY. The fit of the
residual current is shown for angiotensin IV (VYIHPF), angiotensin
III (RVYIHPF), angiotensin I (DRVYIHPFHL), and angiotensinogen (DRVYIHPFHLVIHN)
each in 2.5 μM concentration, recorded under an applied potential
of −50 mV. Traces were collected in 1 M KCl and 50 mM citric
acid titrated with bis-tris propane to pH 3.8 at a sampling frequency
of 50 kHz, using a 10 kHz Bessel filter and 5 kHz Gaussian filter.
Histograms were created from all events with a dwell time larger than
200 μs, with the exception of G13F, G13Y, and G13W, where the
minimal dwell time was set to 1 ms. The dwell time set against the
residual current shows all events with a dwell time larger than 200
μs. The marker size of data points in the residual current set
against the dwell time is adjusted for visualization.