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. 2021 May 6;23(6):812–830. doi: 10.1039/d1em00007a

Summary statistics relating to the concentration (ppm) of eight heavy metals measured across 1528 soil samples in Santa Ana, CA, and their associated state and federal screening levels (SLs)a.

Pb As Mn Cr Ni Cu Cd Zn
Min 11.4 0.1 270.1 19.3 16.0 19.7 0.1 76.8
50th 77.8 6.6 646.9 61.2 37.5 56.4 1.4 266.9
Mean 123.1 8.3 663.4 64.9 38.7 67.6 1.7 328.0
Max 2687.0 174.8 8774.0 279.1 170.3 1950.0 23.9 3390.0
S.D. 181.3 9.3 236.0 20.3 9.7 79.6 1.4 233.3
Screening level (SL) Cr(iii) Cr(vi)
USEPA 400 0.68b 1800 120 000 0.3b 0.76b 3100b 71 23 000
CalEPA 80 0.07 100 000 0.3b 820 3000 1.7 23 000
% exceeding SLs
USEPA 3.9 91.1 <1 0 100 100 0 0 0
CalEPA 48.2 100.0 0 100 0 0 32.6 0

CalEPA SL values come from CalEPA human-exposure-based screening numbers developed to aid the estimation of cleanup costs for contaminated soil60 while USEPA SL values come from USEPA's updated 2020 table of regional screening levels.63


Value for carcinogenic outcomes.63