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. 2021 May 23;11(6):687. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11060687

Table 2.

Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficients between the starting theoretical model variables.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1.ASR_Antis 1
2. FAD_PS −0.05 1
3.FAD_Com −0.05 0.46 ** 1
4.FAD_Rol −0.34 ** 0.30 ** −0.09 1
5.FAD_AI −0.49 ** 0.31 ** −0.20 ** 0.53 ** 1
6.FAD_AR −0.36 ** 0.08 −0.08 0.38 * 0.42 ** 1
7.FAD_ BC −0.63 ** 0.06 0.12 * 0.34 * 0.53 ** 0.41 ** 1
8.IRI_PT −0.49 ** −0.04 0.04 0.13 * 0.27 ** 0.14 ** 0.37 ** 1
9.IRI_FS −0.23 ** 0.04 0.11 * 0.02 0.10 * 0.08 0.26 ** 0.36 ** 1
10.IRI_PD 0.06 0.15 ** 0.04 −0.16 ** −0.15 ** −0.15 ** −0.10 0.01 0.31 ** 1
11.IRI_EC −0.53 ** −0.04 −0.02 0.15 ** 0.28 ** 0.16 ** 0.34 ** 0.59 ** 0.44 ** 0.10 1
12.BIS_Att 0.43 ** 0.01 −0.01 −0.19 ** −0.23 ** −0.20 ** −0.26 ** −0.28 ** −0.04 0.10 −0.28 ** 1
13.BIS_Mot 0.59 ** −0.01 0.01 −0.23 ** −0.39 ** −0.26 ** −0.43 ** −0.41 ** −0.12 * 0.01 −0.40 ** 0.56 ** 1
14.BIS_NP 0.44 ** 0.04 −0.02 −0.17 ** −0.24 ** −0.15 ** −0.31 ** −0.43 ** −0.24 ** 0.03 −0.36 ** 0.43 ** 0.56 ** 1
M 6.63 14.28 19.22 24.94 19.32 15.56 24.38 18.82 16.42 12.24 19.36 16.26 20.14 24.26
DS 6.62 3.01 2.79 3.39 3.52 2.70 3.36 4.46 4.56 4.42 4.29 3.33 4.51 4.29

Note. ASR = Adult Self Report; FAD = Family Assessment Device; IRI = Interpersonal Reactivity Index; BIS-11 = Barratt Impulsiveness Scale; Antisoc: Antisocial Personality Problem; PS = Problem Solving, Com = Communication, Rol = Roles, AI = Affective Involvement; AR = Affective Responsiveness, PT = Perspective Taking, FS = Fantasy, EC = Empathic Concern, PD = Personal Distress, BC = Behavioral Control, Att = Attentional Impulsivity, Mot = Motor Impulsivity, NP = Non-planning Impulsivity. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.