Table 3. Worksheet 1B from the Adaptation Design Tool.
B1 | B2 | B3 | B4 | B5 | B6 | B7 | B8 |
Management action number | Existing management action | Changes in effectiveness of management action due to climate impacts on target stressor | Changes in effectiveness of management action due to climate impacts on management action | Time frame or constraint for using the action and implementation (e.g., urgency, longer or shorter term) | What changes are needed to adapt the action (place, time, and engineering design) | Climate-Smart Management Action | Notes |
7 | Use flow diversion structures and flow reduction practices (e.g., water bars, vetiver and rock check dams, culverts) to manage sediment from coffee plantation dirt roads Use water conveyance practices (e.g., water bars, culverts) to manage sediment from coffee plantation dirt roads NOTE: Some flow diversion practices, and road stabilization measures are included with water conveyance practices because implementing them together increases their effectiveness. |
• Water diversion structures may not be able to divert all water off roads, producing downhill road erosion. • Flow and erosion reduction practices may not be able to slow down water sufficiently to prevent further erosion and trap sediment. • Vertical dirt walls along roads may be more likely to collapse under increased precipitation. Sediment trapping structures may not be able to handle the resulting increased loads. • Interstices between stones in check dams or stone swales may become clogged with sediment more quickly from larger or more frequent storms. This will reduce the cross-sectional area available for water to flow through and the area available for conveying water. |
• Larger storms may wash out existing water conveyance structures (e.g., water bars, the stones comprising check dams, or culverts). • Larger storms may wash out existing flow and erosion reduction practices (e.g., vetiver and rock check dams). • Larger storms may overflow culverts or wash them out entirely, leading to stream crossings being washed out. • Road regrading may be complicated by increased risk of raised road banks slipping onto road during or after regrading. Slippage is already happening but could happen more under some precipitation scenarios. • Droughts may compromise the effectiveness of vegetative solutions. Vetiver probably does fine in droughts; native plants (investigated by the US Fish and Wildlife Service) may not do as well. • Work completed less than one week to one month before a large storm may be undone, i.e. a completed project can take a month to establish. Depending on the pattern of large storms, this could increase, decrease, or simply shift the window for completing projects. |
This suite of actions can be implemented immediately. They have the potential to quickly affect sediment loads. | • Compact dirt roads that have been topped with aggregated crushed stone. • Make road crown higher to consistently drain water to sides of road, if not using insloped/outsloped roads. • Implement stronger/more frequent debris barriers upstream of culverts to prevent culvert clogging. • Use larger rip-rap stones or more extensive vetiver patches on downstream sides of culverts to diffuse faster and larger flows. • Increase frequency of rolling dips or water bars on steeper-sloped roads or stretches likely to experience heavy erosion. • Clean accumulated sediment out of interstices between sediment trap rocks more frequently. • Roads on particularly steep slopes may need to be paved (with asphalt or concrete) if other management actions are not working. • Increase the size of culverts to some standard minimum size that will handle storms of a specified size (e.g., the predicted 5-year storm). • Build maintenance into construction of the projects. Maintenance will have to be more frequent. • Use vegetation that can withstand both dry periods and stronger flows. |
Minimize sediment from existing dirt mountain roads by building water diversions more frequently along roads, sloping roads more heavily to promote faster drainage, and augmenting barriers on upstream sides of culverts and flow diffusers on downstream sides of culverts. Culvert size should be increased to a standard minimum size in preparation for consistently larger flows. Locations requiring flow control may change due to altered precipitation patterns. Check integrity and repair diversion structures after larger storms; remove sediment from sediment traps after large storms. Compact roads with surfaces made of small rocks and granular material to stabilize road surfaces. Pave roads that have already repeatedly washed out if other mitigation techniques are not possible. |
• These structures and practices are considered together (as a suite of actions) because they must be implemented in combination in order to be effective. • To what extent can dirt roads traversing hills and mountains be retrofitted? • Which roads are most important to work on? • This is a feedback loop: the worse the road water management actions perform, the more erosion there will be, and the worse they will perform. • When is paving dirt roads an option? Are they generally too ephemeral to justify paving? • Dirt roads can be stable for a long time if managed properly. However, once they begin to degrade, they can fall apart very quickly. They have a failure threshold and maintenance keeps them from reaching that threshold. • Road maintenance is not generally funded in grants, yet it is essential for long-term performance of structures. Thus, maintenance falls to the property owners (farmers). Pretty much all maintenance will be affected by climate change. • No-cost extensions would increase flexibility in completing work under greater weather uncertainty. • Climate change may reduce the lifespans of projects. Standard lifespan now is 25 years. • Project locations are based on which farmers are willing to collaborate, as well as slope, potential of land to erode, connectivity to water bodies, and traffic load. To what extent will climate change affect these? • Supply farmers with culverts of the right size so they are not just using whatever they have handy. |
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First and second phases: Collect corals and establish aquarium-based coral nurseries. Second phase only: Outplant corals on reefs around Gilligan’s Island to protect the coastline. |
• Fewer fragments of coral colonies (especially of certain species) will be available for collection after storms due to reduced coral cover. • On the other hand, opportunities for collecting new nursery stock may increase since stock will only be collected after storms (and at construction sites). • Available coral colonies may be more resistant to higher temperatures and existing diseases (through natural selection). • Propagating coral genotypes without regard to their resilience to climate stressors will reduce action effectiveness because individuals in the nursery will have the same tolerance of climate change conditions as wild corals. • Outplanting sites selected because they are currently in deep water may be in too deep water in the future due to sea level rise. • Turbidity or coastal erosion plumes/hotspots may change in such a way that outplanting locations selected to avoid hotspots or plumes may no longer do so. • Outplanting locations not currently exposed to legacy sediment contaminants could become exposed from increased resuspension or runoff. • Decreased growth and reproduction rates of outplants may occur from ocean acidification. • Above stressor effects may reduce the genetic diversity of outplanted colonies below the intended level. |
• Climate change may physically damage or destroy nurseries through more powerful storms. • Nurseries must be prepared for power failures, loss of clean water, and other emergencies. • Increased physical destruction of outplanted colonies by storms, especially for more delicate species • Increased death of outplanted colonies from bleaching and diseases. |
• It will be 2–4 years before corals can be outplanted, so this is a medium-term action. It should probably be started immediately, to reduce long-term coral losses. On the other hand, if coastal water quality does not improve, outplanted corals may not survive. • The sooner this is done, the better • Outplanting will have to be a sustained, long-term effort. |
• Preferentially grow coral genotypes that are disease-, heat-, and sediment-tolerant/resistant. In general, grow genotypes that will be able to survive projected future conditions. As conditions change further on reefs (e.g., disease outbreak, major sedimentation event), collecting new coral fragments for the nursery will introduce colonies that have survived the latest round of selective pressure. • Preferentially grow species that will restore ecosystem function by building up a protective reef structure. • Due to increased coral mortality from bleaching and disease, collect more colony fragments due to higher mortality of outplanted colonies. • The similarity between the water supplying the rearing aquaria and the place(s) where the corals will be outplanted also needs to be considered. Presumably, these should be similar in temperature, pH, and chemical composition. • Focus on outplanting coral strains with a variety of types of tolerance to climate-change effects, including being bred to tolerate multiple stressors. • May need to focus on outplanting at shallower sites due to sea level rise, although that must be balanced against the impacts of larger storm and terrestrial runoff at shallower depths (in general). • If outplanting in deep water, focus on using species with a broad depth range to account for sea level rise. • Outplant some aquarium-bred colonies with the hope that they will be naturally fragmented and propagate themselves, and outplant others to build up reef where they are. • Cement may need to be used more often to attach colonies to substrate due to increased risk from storms. • Time outplanting to avoid periods of enhanced runoff and land-based pollution. • Factor changes in sediment plume location and direction into outplanting site selection. • Monitoring may need to be extended longer after outplanting to include observation of how outplants handle extreme events and to what extent they reproduce. |
Develop multi-species aquarium-based coral nurseries which can produce a continuous supply of coral colonies through repeated fragmentation. Species that can survive the current temperature, pH, sediment and nutrient regime should be used until water quality is restored. This may involve collecting new colony fragments that have survived widespread bleaching or disease or survived large sedimentation events. Coral strains should be heat-tolerant (to reduce risk of bleaching) and show some resistance to the relevant coral diseases that are associated with higher temperature. They should also be effective at removing deposited sediment and maintaining growth in lower pH water. Water used in the aquaria should be from the general area where the corals will be outplanted. Outplant colonies that are heat-, disease-, sediment-, and low pH-tolerant. Species mix should be optimized for robust coastal defense. Outplanting during high sediment or precipitation periods should be avoided to reduce initial stressor exposure to outplants. Balance outplanting locations between deeper and shallower sites, accounting for how sea level rise may make deeper sites inhospitable in the future and how shallower sites may be more heavily exposed to land-based pollution. Colonies in shallower sites may need to be affixed to reefs using cement more frequently due to larger storms. Colonies in deeper sites should have a broad range of depth tolerances. In either case, it may be desirable to locate branching colonies where they will be naturally fragmented. Site selection may also be affected by shifting plumes of land-based pollutants from the bay. Because survival through extreme events is an important part of the nursery program, colonies should be monitored through extreme events such as high temperatures and large storms. Monitoring periods for outplants may need to be extended to do this. |
• Preferentially grow corals that are disease, heat-, and sediment-tolerant/resistant. In what order should those traits be prioritized or how should they be balanced? Many organizations are working on creating hybrids that combine these traits. • The nurseries must be large to have an ecologically meaningful amount of coral in them. How much is that? • Can bathymetry be used to predict where storms will be most or least damaging? • Reefs to the west of Guánica Bay receive more sedimentation than those to the east. Reef resilience assessment shows some potentially suitable sites to the east of the bay. • Most people are attaching colonies individually at this point. What can be done to usefully attach multiple colonies simultaneously? • Need to focus on other activities that are important for improving the outplanting environment. |
This covers climate change effects on the management action and implications for climate-smart design. First phase text is in non-italics. Material added during the second phase is in italics. Text is condensed and edited for this table, and actions are numbered is as in Table 1. The full worksheets from the first and second phases, including column heading descriptions, are in S3 and S4 Tables, respectively. For quick summaries of the initial phase, refer to S5 Table. Column B7 is highlighted because Worksheets 1A and 1B culminate in this description of the climate-smart management action.