Figure 1.
Characterization of the interaction between the PHF1 Tudor domain and UNC6641 by NMR. (a) Overlay of 1H,15N HSQC spectra of the 15N-labeled PHF1 Tudor domain collected before and after the addition of UNC6641. Spectra are color coded according to the protein–peptide molar ratio. (b) Histogram showing chemical shift perturbations of backbone amides of the PHF1 Tudor domain at a 1:4 molar ratio of protein to UNC6641. The dashed line indicates an averaged chemical shift change plus one standard deviation. (c) The surface representation of the PHF1 Tudor domain (PDB ID: 4HCZ). Residues that exhibit substantial changes in part b are colored purple. (d) The PHF1 Tudor domain (PDB ID: 4HCZ) is depicted as a gray ribbon with the aromatic cage residues W41, Y47, F65, and F71 shown as pink sticks and labeled.