Figure 1.
A: Protein sequence of the (pro)renin receptor with cleavage sites and sequence motifs. R – arginine, X – any amino acid, K – lysine, L – Leucine, I – Isoleucine, V- Valine, Z – Leucine or Threonine; B: plasma sPRR levels by EIA in male control (n=9) and mutant sPRR mice (n=10); C: plasma sPRR levels by EIA in female control and mutant sPRR mice (n=5/group; D: western blot of full length PRR in whole kidney (n=5/group), heart (n=4/group), brain (n=5/group); E: densitometry of full length PRR in whole kidney, heart and brain; F: tissue sPRR in whole kidney, heart and aorta by EIA. P value calculated using Student’s unpaired t-test for Figure 1B and Mann-Whitney non-parametric test for all other comparisons.