Fig. 2. Twist-angle-dependent PLE spectra.
PLE spectra of twisted monolayer/bilayer phosphorene heterostructures with the angle of 19° (a), 6° (b), 2° (c), and a trilayer (labeled as 3L) phosphorene (d), respectively. The right panel in each figure shows the integrated PL intensity between the energy range of 0.8–0.9 eV. The top color scar indicates the PL emission intensities. All twisted phosphorene heterostructures show low energy PL emission close to 0.83 eV, but the high energy optical absorption spectra are completely different in different heterostructures: the 19° twisted heterostructure exhibits a broad absorption with no clear resonances, the 6° heterostructure has a weak absorption peak at 1.97 eV and a strong absorption peak at 2.64 eV, while the 2° heterostructure and trilayer phosphorene shows a single prominent absorption peak at 1.92 eV.