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. 2021 Jun 11;76:105625. doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2021.105625

Table 4.

Examples of US-innovative techniques combinations for the extraction of natural materials.

Technique Matrix Targeted compound Type of combination Device diagram Combination impact Ref
US combined with mechanical pressing Sunflower seed Oil In line graphic file with name fx7.gif US application improved extraction kinetics and oil diffusion from the mass of the cake to the extracting solvent, compared to conventional Soxhlet extraction. [97]
Ultrasound-Microwave Assisted Extraction (UMAE) Sorghum husk Natural colorants Direct in situ (DIS) graphic file with name fx8.gif Significantly improved extraction yield and better dyeing properties of sorghum husk extracts. [105]
Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.) Prebiotic oligosaccharides Direct in situ (DIS) Higher extraction efficiency compared to theconventional hot-water extraction, microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), and ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) methods. [106]
Lotus seed starch-green tea polyphenol complex Preparation of starch-polyphenol complex Direct in situ (DIS) Increased extraction yield of the complex. [107]
Potato pulp Pectin Direct in situ (DIS) Increased extraction efficiency of potato pectin. [107]
Alternate Microwave/Ultrasound with DES Schisandra Chinensis fruit Polysaccharides and essential oil Alternating US/MW digestion Higher polysaccharide and essential oils yields. [109]
Ultrasound Microwave- assisted enzymatic extraction (UMAEE) Lentinus edodes Polysaccharides In line graphic file with name fx9.gif Higher extraction yields of polysaccharides content compared to conventional techniques. [110]
Laminaria Monoiodo-tyrosine (MIT) and Diiodo-tyrosine (DIT) In line graphic file with name fx10.gif An efficient method to extract MIT and DIT from Laminaria. Both US and MW radiation can destroy the laminaria cell walls which improves access and extractability of targeted compounds. [111]
US combined with pressurized liquid Sugar beet pulp Pectin-enriched materials In line graphic file with name fx11.gif Higher extraction yield and improved functional properties obtained with subcritical water extraction. [112]
Pomegranate peel Phenolic compounds Direct in situ (DIS) graphic file with name fx12.gif Higher extraction yield Reduced extraction time and temperature [113]
Fragrant oil from red pepper seed Residual propane In line graphic file with name fx13.gif US was efficient in solvent residue removal. Treated oil presents good oxidation stability and quality. [114]
US combined with supercritical CO2 Agave salmiana bagasse Antioxidants and saponins Direct in situ (DIS) graphic file with name fx14.gif Increased extraction yield in terms of antioxidants and saponins contents. [119]
Ginger rhizomes Pungent compounds Direct in situ (DIS) Improved extraction yield of pungent compounds from ginger. [118]
Iberis amara seeds Cucurbitacin E (CuE) Direct in situ (DIS) The introduction of ultrasound to supercritical CO2 extraction enhanced CuE yield and reduced operation time as well as the amount of CO2 consumed. [67]
Instant controlled pressure drop (DIC) combined with US Orange peels Antioxidants In line graphic file with name fx15.gif The highest yield of antioxidants with best kinetics is obtained by coupling both treatments. [39]
Steviarebaudiana bertoni leaves Rebaudioside A, Vitamin B6 and vitamin B1. In line graphic file with name fx16.gif DIC pre-treatment has a significant positive effect on the extraction of Rebaudioside A, Vitamin B6 and vitamin B1. [122]
Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) combined with US Almond seeds Phenolics, flavonoids, condensed tannins and anthocyanins, antioxidant activity and volatile compounds In line graphic file with name fx17.gif Combined treatment (PEF–US) has attained the highest value of total phenolics, total flavonoids, condense tannins, anthocyanin contents and antioxidant activity in DPPH, reducing power and metal chelating activity than all other treatments. [124]
UV-C Radiation Combined with UAE Cherry Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Lycopene In line graphic file with name fx18.gif Extracted obtained from the irradiated tomatoes presented 5.8 times more lycopene content. [126]
Tomatoes Bioactive compounds Direct in situ (DIS) This postharvest non-thermal treatment resulted in increased lycopene, total phenols, vitamin C, hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activities during storage. [125]
US coupled with CCC and CPC Paeonia lactiflora Pall roots Albiflorin, benzoylpaeoniflorin, paeoniflorin, and galloylpaeoniflorin) In line graphic file with name fx19.gif The four targeted compounds were successfully extracted. Compared with conventional extraction methods, this combination offers the advantages of automationand systematic extraction and isolation of natural products. [131]