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. 2021 Jun 25;15(5):778–785. doi: 10.1016/j.pcd.2021.06.009

Table 4.

Hierarchical regression analysis predicting COVID-19-specific diabetes worries.

Model Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
ΔR2 R2Adj
B SE β t B SE β t B SE β t
Block 1 — background variables (F(7920) = 20.66; p < .001) .14 .13
Age −.03 .01 −.17 −5.45*** −.02 .00 −.11 −3.73*** −.10 .00 −.10 −3.22**
Residencea −.16 .12 −.04 −1.29 −.02 .12 .00 −.13 .00 .12 .00 –.06
Sleep disturbanceb −.19 .12 −.05 −1.61 −.13 .11 −.03 −1.14 −.03 .11 −.03 −1.02
Smoking habitsb −.45 .17 −.08 −2.64** −.43 .16 −.08 −2.68** −.07 .16 −.07 −2.38*
Physical exerciseb .16 .12 .04 1.29 .06 .12 .02 .55 .02 .12 .02 .48
Health statusc .81 .12 .23 6.87*** .57 .11 .16 4.96*** .16 .11 .16 5.08***
Complications due to diabetesd .40 .08 .17 5.19*** .31 .07 .13 4.29*** .12 .07 .12 3.86***

Block 2 — social supports (F(12,915) = 23.12; p < .001) .10 .22
Family, friends and relatives −.58 .13 −.16 −4.39*** −.16 .13 −.16 −4.41***
Colleaguese −.25 .11 −.08 −2.15 −.08 .11 −.08 −2.13*
Diabetes care teame −.34 .10 −.12 −3.53*** −.12 .10 −.12 −3.41**
Other people in your community (neighbors]e .06 .12 .02 .50 .02 .12 .02 .44
Other people with diabetese −.22 .12 −.07 −1.90 −.06 .12 −.06 −1.64

Block 3 — behavioral changes due to COVID-19 (F(16,911) = 19.48; p < .001) .02 .24
Check blood glucose more often than usualf .10 .12 .02 .80
Less exercise than usualf −.05 .12 −.01 −.44
Eating less than usualf .21 .12 .05 1.78
Eating more than usualf .92 .18 .15 5.03***

Note: B = unstandardized regression coefficient; SE = Standard error; β = standardized regression coefficient.


1 = rural, 2 = urban.


1 = yes, 2 = no.


1 = good, 2 = moderate, 3 = poor.


1 = no complication, 2 = 1 complication, 3 = 2 complications, 4 = 3 complications, 5 = 4 complications.


1 = not supportive, 2 = somewhat supportive, and 3 = very supportive.


0 = no, 1 = yes.


p < .05.


p < .01.


p < .001.