Characterization of the endocrine and exocrine pancreas in a non-diabetic donor. (A) Comparison of islet density expressed as number of endocrine cells per islet area in mm2 among the different staining combinations. Each dot represents an islet. (B) Histograms showing the cellular content of islets in pancreatic sections stained with different antibody combinations. The different staining IDs are shown as #1–6. Each bar represents a different slide. More details can be found in Supplementary Table S1. (C) Violin plots showing the percentage of endocrine cells (beta and alpha cells) per islet analyzed in the whole pancreatic section, stained with antibody combination #1. Each dot colored represents an islet. (D) Violin plots showing the density of beta and alpha cells in the same section, expressed as number of endocrine cells per mm2 of islet area. Each dot represents an islet. (E) Representative image showing two islets, one containing mainly beta cells (green) and one containing mainly alpha cells (magenta). (F) Boxplots showing the mean percentage of beta or alpha cells per islet. Each dot represents the mean from a single slide. Scale bar: 100 μm.