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. 2021 Jun 11;15:677793. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.677793


Demographic, neuropsychological and substance use characteristics for participants included in event-related potential (ERPs) analyses.

Group (n = 64) Controls (n = 24) Cannabis users (n = 19) Polydrug users (n = 21) Three group
F2, 61 P
Male/female, % 50/50 52.6/47.4 66.7/33.3
Age, years, mean (SD) 28.3 (5.34) 28.9 (5) 27.9 (4.34) 0.246a 0.783
Highest level of education (Years) 16.8 (1.86) 16.8 (2.26) 16.3 (2.1) 0.42a 0.659
IQ test scores
WAIS scores Vocabulary 13.8 (2.1) 13 (1.73) 13.4 (1.77) 0.933a 0.399
WAIS scores Similarities 13.1 (2.03) 13.2 (2.46) 13 (1.87) 0.032a 0.969
WAIS scores Block design 12.8 (2.95) 13.3 (2.68) 13.4 (2.71) 0.317a 0.73
WAIS scores Matrix reasoning 12.5 (2.28) 13.4 (2.36) 13 (1.94) 0.865a 0.426
WAIS scores Digit span 12.6 (2.64) 12.8 (3.08) 12.6 (3.12) 0.046a 0.955
Diagnosed psychiatric disorders (% in group) 16.7 5.7 4.8
Alcohol, standard drinks per week, %
0 4.2 0 0
<1 41.7 47.4 47.6
1–3 41.7 52.6 38.1
4–6 12.5 0 14.3
7–14 0 0 0
14≤ 0 0 0
Tobacco, %
No 75 47.4 61.9
Occasionally 25 42.1 28.6
Regularly 0 10.5 9.5
Cannabis use pattern
Onset age, years 19.47 (5.95) 20.06 (3.56)
Duration, years 9.47 (7.73) 8.28 (3.97)
Frequency of cannabis use (% of subjects) Lifetime
0 87.5 0 0
Less than twice a year 12.5 0 0
2–3 times per month 0 0 9.5
1–3 times per week 0 36.8 19
3–6 times per week 0 26.3 28.6
Daily 0 36.8 33.3
No answer 0 0 9.6
Frequency of cannabis use within past 30 days
0 100 0 9.5
2–3 times per month 0 10.5 4.8
1–3 times per week 0 36.8 23.8
3–6 times per week 0 26.3 38.1
Daily 0 26.4 23.8
Dose in grams per week (%)
Less than 1 g 0 31.6 33.3
1–2 grams 0 36.8 23.8
3–5 grams 0 31.6 33.3
>5 grams 0 0 4.8
No answer 0 0 4.8
Dose in puffs per one use 8.2 (2.6) 6.6 (2.7)
Time since last cannabis use (%)
<12 h 0 10.5 4.8
12–24 h 0 42.1 52.4
1–3 days 0 15.8 23.8
3–7 days 0 21.1 10
7–14 days 0 5.3 0
>14 days ago 0 5.3 5
Other illicit drug use in last 30 days (% of subjects)
0 100 100 57.1
1 time per month 0 0 42.9
2 < per month 0 0 0
Hair sample pos (number)
THC 10 15
Amphetamine 4
Methcathinone 1
Cocaine 7
Cathine 0

Note: aOne-way ANOVAs; There were no significant differences between CU, PU, and CG in tobacco H(2) = 3.459, p = 0.117 and alcohol use patterns H(2) = 0.837, p = 0.242 as Kruskal–Wallis H tests revealed, gender X(2) = 1.408, p = 0.495, diagnosed psychiatric disorders X(2) = 2.406, p = 0.3 as χ2-tests shown. Comparison between CU and PU on cannabis use pattern shown no significant differences in: onset age t(35) = −0.359, p = 0.722, duration t(35) = 0.587, p = 0.561, dose in puffs per one use t(34) = 1.832, p = 0.076 (series of t-tests has shown), lifetime frequency of use Z = −0.566, p = 0.571, frequency of use in last 30 days Z = −0.028, p = 0.978, dose in grams per week Z = −0.282, p = 0.788 and time since last cannabis use Z = −0.511, p = 0.609 (series of Mann–Whitney U tests). It is important to note that the ordinal data on substance use are presented in table in percentages, however, during analyses (while performing series of Mann–Whitney U or Kruskal–Wallis H tests) they were coded numerically. Hair sample analyses time-window was 3 months preceding study participation.