Figure 7.
Subcellular distribution of CORM-2-derived Ru(II). (I) Scheme demonstrating the process for preparation of subcellular fractions of E. coli for quantification of Ru content by ICP-AES. (II) The Ru content of each subcellular fraction displaying the percentage of total Ru recovered in each fraction by ICP-AES. (III) Localisation of CORM-2-derived Ru on E. coli chromosomal DNA. (IIIa) the amount of chromosomal DNA recovered from 20 mL E. coli cell cultures before (black bar) and after 1 h incubation with 30 µM CORM-2 (white bar). (IIIb) the amount of Ru (ng) detected per µg of DNA as determined by ICP-AES of chromosomal DNA samples from cells treated for 1 h with 30 µM CORM-2 and the amount of atoms of Ru per kbp of DNA. (IV) Sub-toxic doses of CORM-2 cause ATP leakage from E. coli cells. The extent of growth inhibition (IVa) and loss in cellular viability (IVb) upon addition of 0–15 µM CORM-2 (t = 0 h) to E. coli cultures grown on GDMM. (IVc) Amount of ATP (nM) detected in the supernatant of E. coli cells upon exposure to no CORM, DMSO or sub-toxic (7.5 µM) or toxic (15 µM) levels of CORM-2 (** = p ≤ 0.01, *** = p ≤ 0.001). All data in II–IV are representative of 3 biological repeats ± SD. Significance differences were assessed via unpaired t-tests.