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. 2021 Jun 6;10(6):1411. doi: 10.3390/cells10061411

Table 1.

Comparison of the different types of selective autophagy.

Pathway Target Physiological Function Receptor Ref
Aggrephagy Misfolded protein aggregates Removes misfolded protein aggregates p62, NBR1, OPTN, TOLLIP [30]
Mitophagy Mitochondria Removes weakened or nonfunctioning mitochondria p62, NDP52, OPTN, NBR1, TAX1BP1 [31]
Reticulophagy Endoplasmic reticulum Controls ER morphology, turnover, ER luminal proteostasis, and recovery from stress p62, OPTN, NBR1, BNIP3, RETREG1/FAM134B, FAM134B, RTN3, SEC62, ATL3, CCPG1, TEX264 [30,32,33]
Pexophagy Peroxisome (Ub) Degrades peroxisomes in response to the scarcity of nutrients which generates a high level of reactive oxygen species SQSTM1/p62, NBR1 [28,31]
Lysophagy Lysosome
Degrades damaged or ruptured lysosomal membranes to prevent inflammation and cell death due to lysosomal contents leakage SQSTM1/p62, NDP52
Xenophagy Bacteria (Ub), Viruses Degrades cytoplasmic bacteria and viruses NDP52, OPTN, SQSTM1/p62, TAX1BP1 [27,31]
Nucleophagy Nucleus Degrades nuclear components necessary for terminal differentiation of keratinocytes ATG39 [31]
Ribophagy Ribosome Degrades ribosomes during starvation to generate nucleotides and nucleosides NUFIP1 [30]
Lipophagy Lipid droplets Regulates lipid production in response to various cellular stressors, especially in the liver SQSTM1/p62 [30]
Ferritinophagy Ferritin Degrades ferritin in the lysosome to supply free Fe3+ to the cell for the synthesis of metalloproteins (hemoglobin and cytochromes) NCOA4 [28]