Example of the automated layer segmentation of 13 retinal layers. BM, Bruch’s membrane; BMEIS, boundary of myoid and ellipsoid inner segments; GCL-IPL, ganglion cell layer-inner plexiform layer; IB OPR, inner boundary outer photoreceptor; IB RPE, inner boundary retinal pigment epithelium; ILM, internal limiting membrane; INL-OPL, inner nuclear layer-outer plexiform layer; IPL-INL, inner plexiform layer-inner nuclear layer; ISJ OSJ, inner segment/outer segment junction; OB OPR, outer boundary outer photoreceptor; OB RPE, outer boundary retinal pigment epithelium; OPL-HFL, outer plexiform layer-Henle’s fiber layer; and RNFL-GCL, retinal nerve fiber layer-ganglion cell layer.