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. 2021 Jun 5;10(6):1399. doi: 10.3390/cells10061399

Table A1.

Definition of selected OJIP parameters according to Strasser et al. [14] and Stirbet and Govindjee [15].

Parameter Definition
FO Minimal fluorescence, when all PSII reaction centers (RCs) are open, fluorescence intensity at 20th µs
FM = FP Maximal fluorescence recorded under saturating illumination at the peak P of OJIP, when all PSII RCs are closed
FJ (2 ms) Fluorescence level at 2nd ms, the J-step of OJIP
FI (40 ms) Fluorescence level at 40th ms, the I-step of OJIP нa гpaφикaтa e 40-тa ms
FV Maximal variable fluorescence, FV = FM − FO
Vt Relative variable fluorescence at time t: Vt = (Ft − FO)/(FM − FO)
VL Relative fluorescence value at L-step [0.15 ms]
VK Relative fluorescence value at K-step [0.3 ms]
N Number indicating how many times QA is reduced until fluorescence reaches its maximal value FM (number of QA redox turnovers until FM is reached)
ABS Absorbed energy flux (exited PSII antennae Chl a molecules)
TR0 Trapped energy, i.e., energy, utilized for reduction of pheophytin and primary quinone acceptor QA
ET0 Electron transport from QA to the next electron acceptors between the two photosystems.
RE0 Energy/electron flux for reduction of end acceptors in acceptor side of PSI—NADP and ferredoxin.
φEo (ET0/ABS) Efficiency/probability for the electron in PSII to move further than QA—quantum yield for electron transport.
φEo = ET0/ABS = φPo × ψ0 = (1 − F0/FM) × ψ0
ABS/RC Absorbed energy flux in antenna chlorophylls per PSII reaction center
(a measure of PSII apparent antenna size)
TR0/RC Trapped energy flux per RC; TR0/RC = M0 (1/VJ)
ET0/RC Electron transport flux further than QA per PSII reaction center
RE0/RC Electron flux reducing end electron acceptors at the PSI acceptor side, per PSII reaction center
DI0/RC Heat dissipation of excitation energy by PSII reaction center
ET0/RC Electron transport flux further than QA per PSII reaction center
φPo (TR0/ABS) Maximum quantum yield of primary photochemical reactions in PSII RC.
φPo = TR0/ABS = 1 − FO/FM = FV/FM
φRo (RE0/ABS) Quantum yield of the electron transport from QA to the end electron acceptors of PSI
RE0/ABS = φRo = φPo × ψ0 × δ0
RC/CS0 Density of active PSII reaction centers (RC) per cross section RC/CS0 = φPo × (VJ/M0) × (ABS/CS0)
PIABS Performance index (potential) for conservation of the energy absorbed by PSII RC until the reduction of intersystem electron acceptors
PItotal Performance index (potential) for conservation of the energy absorbed by PSII until the reduction of PSI end electron acceptors