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. 2021 Mar 9;36(6):939–954. doi: 10.1093/heapol/czab030

Table 2.

List of appraisal checklist questions

Standard of reporting costs

#1 Was the research question(s) well defined? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)
#2 Was the perspective of the cost estimation clearly stated? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)
#3 Was the time horizon of sufficient length to capture the costs of the intervention at scale? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)
#4 Did the study include relevant inputs in the cost estimation (i.e. consumables, human resources, equipment and infrastructure, and managerial practice) (Johns and Torres, 2005)? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)
#5 Were the methods for estimating the quantities of inputs clearly described? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)
#6 Did the study clearly report the selection of data source(s) for the ‘units’ estimated in the cost per unit? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)
#7 Was the sample size determined by the precision required for costing? If not, was the sample designed to be an accurate representation of the study population? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)
#8 Did the study use relevant and appropriate discount, inflation, and currency conversion rates to enable cost adjustment over setting and time? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)
#9 Did the study perform sensitivity analyses to characterize uncertainty associated with cost estimates? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)
#10 Were cost estimates reported and communicated in a clear and transparent way? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)

Methodological quality of estimating costs at scale

#11 Were average costs estimated for different levels of scale; and if so, did the study account for changes in input costs associated with increasing scale of the intervention? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)
#12 Did the study quantify the relationship between average cost and scale? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)
#13 Were fixed and variable costs analysed separately as scale increased? (Yes/No/Partially addressed)
#14 Were factors other than scale, that could impact on cost, accounted for in the analysis? (e.g. scope, geography, target population, type of provider) (Yes/No/Partially addressed)