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. 2021 May 29;9(6):645. doi: 10.3390/healthcare9060645

Table 3.

Nasal breathing vs. oral breathing condition in 2B > Rest contrast using functional connectivity seed to voxel analysis.

Condition Seed Region Cluster (KE) Peak Peak Peak MNI Coordinate
T Z Score X Y Z
Nasal > Oral Cerebellum 6 (L) Cerebellum 8 (R) 240 5.538 4.771 36 −58 −44
Inferior parietal gyrus (R) Parietal operculum cortex (R) 179 4.944 4.364 52 −34 26
Postcentral gyrus (L) 114 4.617 4.129 −36 −26 48
Cerebellum 6 (R) 115 4.241 3.847 24 −54 −24
Inferior parietal gyrus (L) Postcentral gyrus (L) 239 4.927 4.352 −34 −28 48
Middle frontal gyrus (L) Anterior cingulate gyrus 146 4.571 4.095 −2 14 32
Lateral occipital cortex, (superior division) (L) 202 4.312 3.901 −20 −88 38
Oral > Nasal Inferior frontal gyrus, triangular part (L) Postcentral gyrus (R) 123 4.620 4.131 50 −32 56
Middle frontal gyrus (L) Postcentral gyrus (R) 215 4.449 4.004 50 −30 54

MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; R, right; L, left; 2B, 2-back.