In vivo evaluation of the αDEC205-BZLF immunogen; (A) The viSNE maps, colored by the intensities of individual immune marker expression (CD3, CD4, CD8, and CD19); (B) FlowSOM minimal spanning tree (MST) on HuCD3+ T-cells showed both HuCD4+ T-cells and HuCD8+ T-cells; (C) Percentage of T-cell population from each vaccination group (αDEC205-Ctrl CoCx and αDEC205-BZLF) in each FlowSOM meta-cluster; (D) FlowSOM minimal spanning tree (MST) colored by the intensities of individual immune marker expression (CD8, HLA-DR, IFNγ, Tbet, CD45RO, and CD62); (E) Ex-vivo immune responsiveness to recall antigens (autologous LCLs, BZLF1 pepmix, and anti-TCR) by ELISpot; (F) Log-rank test: BZLF vaccine significantly delayed lymphoma development.