Multiple binding interactions among OPN, CD44, integrins and hyaluronate. In a BIACORE 2000 instrument, the four channels of a CM5 chip were coated with bovine serum albumin (negative control), GST-OPN, CD44v, or integrin α9β1: (A) Co-titration of CD44v and αVβ3 in the flow to bound OPN; (B) Co-titration of OPN and αVβ3 to immobilized CD44v; (C) Co-titration of OPN and α9β1 to bound CD44v (top panel) and co-titration of CD44v and α9β1 to bound OPN (bottom panel); (D) Co-titration of OPN and hyaluronate in CD44v-binding ELISA; (top panel) the y-axis displays absorbance units, the x-axis shows increasing amounts of OPN, each line refers to a specific nanogram amount of hyaluronate as indicated in the legend; (bottom panel) the y-axis displays absorbance units, the x-axis shows increasing amounts of hyaluronate, each line refers to a specific nanogram amount of OPN as indicated in the legend.