Survival and weight changes in BALB/c and ICR mice vaccinated with TBE vaccine Tick-E-Vac after challenge with 300 PFU/animal of TBEV strain Vasilchenko. (a,b) female BALB/c mice (n = 20 per group), (e,f) female ICR mice (n = 15 per group), (c,d) male BALB/c mice (n = 20 per group), (g,h) male ICR mice (n = 16 for vaccine group, n = 15 for control group). Animals were monitored for mortality (a,c,e,g), weight loss (b,d,f,h), and disease symptoms (data not shown) for 42 days after challenge. Error bars represent SEM. * All brain samples from dead mice were considered RNA-positive. Statistical significance for mortality data was determined by log rank test (**** p < 0.0001).