Figure 7.
Reduction in miniature excitatory postsynaptic current (mEPSC) frequency is NMDAR-dependent in somatosensory cortex pyramidal cells of amyloid beta (Aβ)-overexpressing neurons. (a) Sample traces of mEPSC recordings. (b) Cumulative distribution plots of the median inter-event-intervals (IEI) of mEPSCs from pyramidal cells of the somatosensory cortex. (c) Cumulative distribution plots of the median amplitudes (IEI) of mEPSCs. (d) Bar graphs of mEPSC frequencies of control (n = 35) and CT100(I716F)-overexpressing (n = 31) neurons without (left) and with deletion of GluN1 (middle) (n = 19 GluN1−/− vs. n = 14 CT100(I716F)/GluN1−/−) or GluN2B (right) (n = 18 GluN2B−/− vs. n = 16 CT100(I716F)/GluN2B−/−). (e) Bar graph showing the change in mEPSC frequency in pyramidal cells from CT100(I716F)-overexpressing neurons when compared to the respective control neurons (control, GluN1−/−, GluN2B−/−), quantified from data in (d). (f) Bar graphs of peak amplitude of mEPSCs from control and CT100(I716F)-overexpressing neurons without (left) and with deletion of GluN1 (middle) or GluN2B (right). (g) Bar graph showing the change in mEPSC amplitude in pyramidal cells from CT100(I716F)-overexpressing neurons when compared to the respective control neurons (control, GluN1−/−, GluN2B−/−), quantified from data in (f). Data in bar graphs are shown as median ± interquartile range. Empty grey circles depict single data points. Mann–Whitney test/Kruskal–Wallis test: *** p < 0.001.