Table 3.
Genotype | TPC (mg GAE/g) | DPPH (%) |
ML-13-SDM (L) | 12.21 a | 19.13 bcd |
ML-12-TMP (L) | 12.15 a | 18.93 cd |
GPS (E) | 12.24 a | 11.90 fgh |
IP-3 (E) | 12.14 a | 13.16 efg |
MP-B-4-CG (L) | 12.04 ab | 11.34 ghi |
TZ-1 (E) | 12.04 ab | 8.70 hij |
MP-B-1-CG (L) | 11.87 abc | 15.14 ef |
ML-5-TGM (L) | 11.63 abcd | 22.55 ab |
UG-SF-15 (E) | 11.45 abcde | 15.17 ef |
ML-14-MAG (L) | 11.27 abcde | 22.68 a |
Swiss chard (S) | 11.17 abcde | 5.06 k |
MP-B-3-CG (L) | 10.76 bcdef | 11.59 ghi |
ML-3-KK (L) | 10.76 bcdef | 5.37 jk |
Jute mallow (S) | 10.62 cdef | 16.39 de |
ML-6-BTK (L) | 10.38 def | 21.98 abc |
PS (E) | 10.38 def | 8.07 ijk |
Cowpea (S) | 10.27 ef | 22.55 ab |
ML-SF-29 (E) | 9.86 f | 9.83 ghi |
Pumpkin (S) | 7.46 g | 4.87 k |
Mean | 11.01 | 13.92 |
R2 (%) | 92.08 | 97.76 |
C.V. (%) | 3.84 | 8.22 |
LSD | 0.035 | 1.49 |
a–k Means with the same superscript in a column are not significantly different (p < 0.05). E = exotic; L= local and S = standard; TPC = total phenolic content and DPPH = 2,2 diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging activity.