CosR binding to the perR promoter (a) The results of EMSA showed that rCosR bound to the perR promoter. Unlabeled probe (U.P.) is the PCR amplicon of the perR promoter, which was prepared without [γ-32P] ATP and was used as a competitor. (b) Identification of the CosR binding sites in the perR promoter by DNase I footprinting. The CosR binding region is indicated with a dotted line, and ATC is the start codon of perR. (c) The CosR binding site in the two adjacently located perR promoters, which were reported in a previous study [18]. The PerR box is the site for PerR binding for autoregulation [18]. The perR start codon, the transcriptional start site (+1), and the −10, −16, and −35 elements are underlined.