Figure 10.
(a) Responses of In2O3 nanofiber-based sensors to 50 ppm formaldehyde as a function of operating temperature and the temperature of calcination (t = 3 h, Tc = 400–800 °C). Reprinted with permission from [171]. Copyright 2016 Elsevier. (b) Conductivity response to NH3 (5–25 ppm) at room temperature for four types of gas sensors based on In2O3 nanostructures: 1—broken In2O3 hollow nanofiber; 2—regular In2O3 hollow nanofiber; 3—In2O3 nanofiber; 4—In2O3 nanoparticles. Adapted with permission from [140]. Copyrights 2007 Wiley.