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. 2021 Jun 12;11(6):547. doi: 10.3390/jpm11060547

Table A3.

Characteristics of patients firstly treated with DBS, CLI as second treatment—reported in literature.

Klostermann et al., 2011 Aldred et al., 2016 Regidor et al., 2017 Faust-Socher et al., 2018 Kumar et al., 2018 Liang et al., 2018 Elkouzi et al., 2019
Case Case 1 Case 2 Case 1 Combined data (n = 19) Combined data (n = 7) Combined data (n = 7) Case 1 Case 2 Combined data (n = 6)
Sex M:F M M UA 11:8 5:2 4:3 M F 6:0
Age at PD diagnosis in years; range (mean) 50 50 UA (44 *, SD 5.2 *) UA 31–60 (48) 43 53 30–70 (53)
Age at initiation first treatment in years; range (mean) 61 63 UA UA UA, range disease duration
6–12 years
55–72 (63) 65 71 40–77 (61)
Interval between initiation treatments in years; range (mean) 9 9 5 2–12 (7.8) 3–10 2–12 (5) 7 4 6–18 (13)
Initial effect of first treatment Good Good Responsive UA Significant benefit Good (n = 3)
Little (n = 1)
None (n = 3)
Good Little Successful, in all
DBS target UA R/L STN R/L STN R/L STN R/L STN (n = 5),
Unil STN (n = 2)
R/L STN (n = 3)
Unil STN (n = 1)
L GPi (n = 1)
Unil PPN (n = 2)
STN STN R/L STN (n = 3)
R/L GPi (n = 1)
Unil GPi (n = 2)
Initial therapy continued Yes Yes UA Yes (14/19)
CLI discontinued (n = 5)
UA UA Yes Yes Yes
Indication for second treatment MF, increased off time Increased off time, chin tremor Disabling FOG in ON phase Invalidating symptoms In off state (n = 16)
Axial dystonia (n = 2)
Severe pain (n = 1)
UA MFD (n = 7)
FOG (n = 1)
Pain (n = 1)
Fatigue (n = 1)
Cognitive impairment (n = 1)
Mood elevation, speech impairment Dyskinesia MF (n = 6)
Cognitive decline (n = 2)
Subdural hematoma (n = 1)
LEDD pre-CLI; range (mean) 2600 2183 UA UA UA 800–2695 (1456) 1082 2278 1100–3150 (2241)
LEDD post-CLI; range (mean) UA UA UA UA UA 608–3188 (1310) 848 Unchanged 1600–3216 (2317)
UPDRS-III med off pre-DBS; range (mean) UA UA UA 52 UA 15–50 (41, n = 6) UA UA 25–36 (30)
UPDRS-III med on pre-DBS; range (mean) UA UA UA 25 UA 9–33, (17, n = 6) UA UA UA
Improvement according to authors Yes, decrease in off time Yes, decrease in off time Yes Yes, on group level Yes, in all Yes, improvement of motor fluctuations Yes Yes, improvement of dyskinesia Yes, in all
Kimber et al., 2019 Sanchez-Rodriguez et al., 2019 Bautista et al., 2020 Gonzalez-Herrero et al., 2020 Spanaki et al., 2020
Case Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 1 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Combined data (n = 5) Combined data (n = 5) ††
Sex M:F UA UA UA M F F F 0:5 UA
Age at PD diagnosis in years; range (mean) 51 46 46 44 56 46 59 54–63 (56) UA
Age at initiation first treatment in years; range (mean) 58 53 58 51 63 58 70 57–69 (65) UA
Interval between initiation treatments in years; range (mean) 9 8 8 4 8 6 2 0–6 (2.6) UA
Initial effect of first treatment Substantial in all Good Good Good Good UA UA
Initial therapy continued UA UA UA UA Yes Yes Yes, CLI (2nd therapy) discontinued after 1 month Yes, in 3/5 Yes
Indication for second treatment FOG, GI, dystonia FOG, GI, dystonia FOG, GI, dystonia MFD, dystonia MFD MFD MF FOG MF
LEDD pre-CLI; range (mean) 800 612 801 UA 653 1327 1430 855–2400 (1653) UA
LEDD post-CLI; range (mean) CLI 40 mg/h CLI 52 mg/h CLI 70 mg/h UA 960 1246 1689 1098–2310 (1820) UA
UPDRS-III med off pre-DBS; range (mean) UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA
UPDRS-III med on pre-DBS; range (mean) UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA UA
Improvement according to authors Long lasting in all None Yes Yes Yes Yes, in 4/5 UA

CLI: continuous levodopa/carbidopa infusion; DBS: deep brain stimulation; GI: gait impairment; F: female; FOG: freezing of gait; GPi: globus pallidus interna; LEDD: levodopa equivalent daily dose; M: male; med: medication; MF: unpredictable motor fluctuations; MFD: unpredictable motor fluctuations and dyskinesias; PD: Parkinson’s disease; PPN: pedunculopontine nucleus; R/L: right/left; STN: subthalamic nucleus; Unil: unilateral; UA: unavailable; UPDRS: Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, part III; *: derived from available data; : a trial with continuous apomorphine infusion after CLI showed slight improvement; ††: one additional patient had been treated with continuous apomorphine infusion instead of CLI after DBS, separate results were unavailable.