Figure 6.
FISH/BAC-FISH analyses of the chromosome constitutions of the somatic cells of wild Brassica juncea, transgenic oilseed rape, and the fourth-generation progenies of BC1. (A1–H1) are the DAPI (blue) images for all chromosome, and (A2–H2) are merged images of the DAPI (blue), B chromosome probe (green), and C chromosome probe (red). (A1-A2): wild B. juncea: 20A + 16B. (B1-B2): transgenic oilseed rape with glyphosate-tolerant gene: 20A+18C. (C1-C2): transgenic oilseed rape with glufosinate-tolerant gene: 20A + 18C. (D1-D2): the cells of BC1mF4R with 36 chromosomes: 20A + 16B. (E1-E2): the cells of BC1pF4R with 36 chromosomes: 20A + 16B. (F1-F2): the cells of BC1mF4L with 37 chromosomes: 20A + 16B + 1C. (G1-G2): the cells of BC1pF4L with 37 chromosomes: 20A + 16B + 1C. (H1-H2): the cells of BC1pF4L with 37 chromosomes: 20A + 15B + 2C. Green fluorescent signals from probe of B. nigra, red fluorescent signals from C genome-specific BAC BoB014O06. BC1mF4R and BC1pF4R indicate the glyphosate-tolerant fourth-generation progenies of the first backcross generation (BC1) obtained from wild Brassica juncea × F1R or F1R × wild B. juncea, respectively. B C1mF4L and BC1pF4L indicate the glufosinate-tolerant fourth-generation progenies of the first backcross generation (BC1) obtained from wild Brassica juncea × F1L or F1L × wild B. juncea, respectively. F1R and F1L indicate glyphosate- or glufosinate-tolerant F1 hybrids obtained from wild B. juncea × glyphosate- or glufosinate-tolerant transgenic oilseed rape. Progenitors in front of the × are always the maternal plants, and the progenitors after the × are always the paternal plants. All bars: 5 μm.