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. 2021 Jun 11;12:670209. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.670209

Figure 7.

Figure 7

Microscopic observations of the abnormal meiosis of pollen mother cells in BC1mF4R. Images were taken using a light microscope (ZEISS, imager. M2, 100 ×). (1-2). Metaphase I: 1. One lagging chromosome; (2). two lagging chromosomes. (3-5). Anaphase I: 3. one lagging chromosome; 4. two lagging chromosomes; 5. one chromatid bridge. (6-7). Telophase I: 6. one micronucleus; (7). three micronuclei. (8-13). Metaphase II: (8). one lagging chromosome; (9). two lagging chromosomes; (10). three lagging chromosomes; (11). four lagging chromosomes; (12). six lagging chromosomes; (13). eight lagging chromosomes. (14-16). Anaphase II: (14). one lagging chromosome; (15). two lagging chromosomes; (16). one chromatid bridge. (17-18). Telophase II: (17). one micronucleus; (18). one chromatid bridge. BC1mF4R indicates the glyphosate-tolerant fourth-generation progenies of the first backcross generation (BC1) obtained from wild Brassica juncea × F1R. F1R indicates the glyphosate-tolerant F1 hybrids obtained from wild B. juncea × glyphosate-tolerant transgenic oilseed rape. Progenitors in front of the × are always the maternal plants, and progenitors after the × are always the paternal plants. Red arrows indicate the abnormal meiosis of pollen mother cells.