Empagliflozin improves glucose levels in DIO-NASH mice. (a) Glucose levels and (b) AUC for glucose in OGTT at week 7 and (c) glucose levels after 4 h fasting at week 0 (start of treatment) and week 12 (completion of treatment). A two-way ANOVA was performed for OGTT and p-values are reported for Trt, treatment (Chow + vehicle, DIO-NASH + vehicle, DIO-NASH + empagliflozin), Time (minutes of OGTT) and their interaction Time * Trt. A one-way ANOVA was performed for the AUC and the fasting glucose and p of the ANOVA is reported. By p < 0.05 in Trt * Time for OGTT and in the ANOVA for the AUC and for the fasting glucose, post-hoc Dunnett tests were performed in each timepoint in OGTT, at week 7 in the AUC OGTT and at week 0 and week 12 in the fasting glucose and * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, respectively, for Chow + vehicle or DIO-NASH + empagliflozin compared with DIO-NASH + vehicle. Data show means ± SEMs. Ν = 12 for Chow + vehicle and n = 13 for DIO-NASH + vehicle and DIO-NASH + empagliflozin.