Figure-1. Bortezomib preferentially depletes mature plasma cells (PC) from the bone marrow and spleen of naïve mice.
(A) Gating strategy used to identify total and subsets of plasma cells, namely, plasmablast, early PC and mature PC. (B) Quantification of total number of plasma cell subsets retrieved from the bone marrow (Left panel on B) and spleen (Right panel on B) of a naïve C57BL/6 WT mouse (N=28/group). (C) Experimental design. Two days post-treatment with Bortezomib or CTLA4-Ig, naïve C57BL/6 WT mouse were sacrificed. (D) Quantification of PC subsets in bone marrow (Top) and spleen (Bottom) harvested from C57BL/6 mice after Bortezomib (Btz) or CTLA-Ig (C4-Ig) treatment (N=9–16/group). Y-axis represents total cells retrieved per mouse from naïve or mice receiving Bortezomib or CTLA4-Ig. Data are pooled from ≥ two independent experiments and presented as Mean ± SEM. Statistically significant differences were assessed by one way ANOVA. (**P <0.01) (***P <0.001) (****P <0.0001).