(A) Overexpression of flag Chinmo in the adult brain neurons leads to a reduction in Fatp protein. Western blot analysis of adult fly lysates from 3X ElavGS >UAS Flag chinmo flies that were fed an AL diet in presence (+AL) or absence (AL-) of RU-486. The whole fly cell lysates were analyzed by western blotting with Flag (Flag Chinmo), Fatp and Tubulin (normalization control) antibodies. Fatp levels reduced upon overexpression of Flag chinmo. (B) Quantitative RT-PCR of fasn1 from abdominal tissue of FB GS >UAS fasn1RNAi flies in presence of RU-486 (light red and light blue) or in absence of RU-486 (bars with solid red and blue color) flies that were fed Ad libitum (AL) (red) or DR diet (blue) for 10 days. Expression levels were normalized to Actin. Values are mean ± SD, n = 6. (C) Quantitative RT-PCR of fatp from abdominal tissue of FB GS >UAS fatpRNAi flies in presence of RU-486 (light red and light blue) or in absence of RU-486 (bars with solid red and blue color) flies that were fed Ad libitum (AL) (red) or DR diet (blue) for 10 days. Expression levels were normalized to Actin. Values are mean ± SD, n = 6. Fatp is more significantly knocked down under DR conditions. (D) Western blot of whole fly lysates from FB GS/+; UAS Flag fatp/+flies that were fed an AL and DR diet in presence (AL+, DR+) and absence (-AL, -DR) of RU-486. The whole fly cell lysates were analyzed by western blotting with Flag (Flag Fatp), Fatp, and Tubulin (normalization control) antibodies. Flag Fatp was detected in AL + and DR +lysates. (E-G) Effect of RU-486 on the lifespan of UAS fasnRNAi, UAS fatpRNAi, and UAS Flag fatp flies. (E) Crosses were established between UAS fasnRNAi and w1118 and the progeny was sorted into four groups (AL-, DR-, AL +, and DR+). Median lifespan in: AL- is 28 days; AL + is 26 days: DR- is 50 days and DR +is 46 days. (F) Crosses were established between UAS fatpRNAi and w1118 and the progeny was sorted into four groups (AL-, DR-, AL +, and DR+). Median lifespan in: AL- is 36 days; AL + is 32 days: DR- is 38 days and DR +is 42 days. (G) Crosses were established between UAS Flag fatp and w1118 and the progeny was sorted into four groups (AL-, DR-, AL + and DR+). Median lifespan in: AL- is 26 days; AL + is 32 days: DR- is 46 days and DR +is 48 days. For statistical comparison of survival curves, p values and Χ2 were calculated with log-rank test. Genotypes of strains used in this figure: (A) 3X ElavGS >UAS Flag chinmo: P{elav-Switch.O}GS −1A / +; P{elav-Switch.O}GS-3A, P{elav-Switch.O} GSG301/P{w+, UAS-chin::SV40}/+; (B) FBGS /+;UASfasnRNAi/+: w1118; P{w [+mW.hs]=Switch1}106/+;P{y[+t7.7]v[+t1.8]=TRiP.HMS01524}attP2/+;(C) FBGS/+;UASfatpRNAi/+:w[1118];P{w[+mW.hs]=Switch1}106/+;P{y[+t7.7]v[+t1.8]=TRiP.HMC04206}attP2/+; (D) FBGS/+; UAS Flag fatp/+; w[1118]; P{w [+mW.hs]=Switch1}106/+;P{w+,UAS-Flag fatp}attP2/+; (E) UASfasn1RNAi/+: w1118; +/+; P {y[+t7.7]v [+t1.8]=TRiP. HMS01524} attP2/+; (F) UAS fatpRNAi/+:w1118;+/+;P{y[+t7.7]v[+t1.8]=TRiP. HMC04206} attP2/+; (G) UAS Flag fatp/+: w1118;+/+; P{w+, UAS-Flag fatp} attP2 / +.