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. 2021 Jun 21;9(6):681. doi: 10.3390/vaccines9060681

Table 2.

Results of logistic regression models estimating the association between the use of serology prior to the immunization and general practitioner’s profile, among 219 general practitioners interviewed in France (2017–2018).

Covariates Analysis Univariate Multivariate
n % p OR 95% CI p aOR 95% CI p
All 216 33.3 n = 213
Gender 214
Woman 142 38.0 0.034 1.98 [1.05–3.77] 0.036 1.61 [0.82–3.17] 0.162
Man 72 23.6 ref.
Age 214
Less than 55 years old 153 38.2 0.001 3.29 [1.55–6.98] 0.002 2.91 [1.33–6.33] 0.007
55 years old and more 61 16.4 ref. ref.
Region 205
Île de France 104 31.7 0.885 0.96 [0.53–1.72] 0.885 /
Outside Île de France 101 32.7 ref.
Type of practice 216
Private practice 108 33.3 0.024 0.57 [0.28–1.12] 0.105 0.68 [0.33–1.38] 0.285
Helth Center (employed) 49 46.9 ref. ref.
HCAP 59 22.0 0.32 [0.14–0.73] 0.007 0.33 [0.14–0.79] 0.013
Experience 210
Beginner 34 35.3 0.407 0.81 [0.33–1.94] 0.631
Average 119 30.2 0.64 [0.33–1.24] 0.185 /
Experienced 57 40.3 ref.
Daily practice
Yes 180 33.9 0.699 1.17 [0.54–2.52] 0.703 /
No 36 30.6 ref.

ref.: reference category, OR: Odds Ratio, aOR: adjusted Odds Ratio, 95% CI: 95% Confidence interval, p: chi square test p-value, HCAP: Health Care Access Permanency structures.