Figure 8.
(Left) Picture of an isolated (AG)n chain with type II β-turn structure. (Right) Observed plots of ΔS/S0 (= 1 − S/S0) values against the corresponding NcTr values forREDOR experiments of (AG)6A[1-13C]G14AG[15N]A17G(AG)6 to determine the distance between the [1-13C]Gly14 and [15N]Ala17 nuclei. Continuous and dotted lines show the theoretical dephasing curves corresponding to the designated distances. By comparing the REDOR data and the theoretical dephasing curve, the 13C-15N interatomic distance was determined to be 4.0 ± 0.1 Å. Reprinted with permission from ref. 21. Modified from ref. 21. Copyright 2001 Elsevier.