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. 2021 Jun 18;13(12):3048. doi: 10.3390/cancers13123048

Table 2.

Targeted therapies during pregnancy.

Targeted Therapy Mode of Action Placental Passage in Humans Physiological Role of Target in Human Embryonal and Fetal Development Exposure in 1st Trimester in Humans Exposure in 2nd and 3rd Trimester in Humans Evidence Level
Trastuzumab Monoclonal IgG1 antibody against human epidermal growth factor (HER2) receptors [47] -low during 1. Trimester
-increasing during second and third trimester [46]
Cardiac and neural development [46,47]
25% spontaneous abortion
- No congenital malformations [47]
No mandatory pregnancy interruption when exposed during the first trimester [46]
Oligohydramnios (68.1%)
(reversible) Fetal renal failure
Fetal death due to multiorgan failure due to prematurity, anhydramnios or oligohydramnios (17.3%) [5,46]
34 cases (Case reports)
Other anti-Her-2 agents (lapatinib, pertuzumab and T-DM1) - No data Implantation
Cardiac and neural development [47]
Lapatinib: three cases with no congenital malformation [47,49] No data Three cases (lapatinib) [49]
Bevacizumab VEGF-specific mAb No data Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis of the placenta and in normal fetal development [47] No data regarding systemic exposure [47]
Intravitreal exposure followed by abortion in some cases [47]
No data regarding systemic exposure [47]
Intravitreal injection with no adverse effects [47]
No reports for systemic application in pregnancy [46,47]
Rituximab mAb IgG targeting the surface antigen CD 20 transplacental passage increases with gestational age, reaching the maximum during the last 4 weeks of gestation. [46] Hematopoiesis (lymphocytes) [51] No congenital malformations [50]
Miscarriage rate 21% [51]
Cytopenia (63% of neonates at full term)
-complete neonate recovery from hematotox within 6 months [50]
A total of 253 pregnancies were reported, but pregnancy outcome was available for 153 pregnancies only [46,50]
Imatinib TKI targeting the bcr-abl tyrosine kinase [47] Placental transfer documented [47] -fetal organogenesis [47] -Major malformations 11% [47]
-spontaneous abortion 12.1% [47]
-no major or minor malformations [47] Case reports (n > 180) [47]
EGFR inhibitors (erlotinib, gefitinib, afatinib and cetuximab) EGF receptor Placental transfer documented [47] Conception
Embryonic development
No congenital malformation [47] No congenital malformation [47] Sparse to no data [47]
ATRA (tretinoin) Carboxylic acid form of vitamin A [47] Placental transfer documented [47] Fetal development [47] Spontaneous abortion [47] Abnormal cardiac function [47] Case reports [47]
Interferon-a cytokine Insignificant placental transfer [47] Organogenesis [47,52] 2% major malformations (combination therapy with imatinib) [47] No data Case reports [47]
Dasatanib Second-generation TKIs Placental transfer [47] Organogenesis [47] No congenital malformation (three cases) [47]
Hydrops fetalis (one case)
No data Three cases [47]
Nilotinib Second-generation TKIs No data Organogenesis [47] One case, no congenital malformation [47] No data One case [47]
Vemurafenib BRAF-inhibitor Placental transfer documented [47] Cardio-faciocutaneous development [47] No data [47] No major malformations (one case) [47]
PARP inhibitors (Niraparib, Rucaparib, Olaparib) Poly adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitor No data [53] No data [53] No data [53] No data [53] No data [53]
Anti-PD-1/PD-L1 Immune checkpoint inhibitors No data [54] Maintaining normal fetal tolerance [55] One case report without spontaneous abortion [56] No data [54] One case report [56]

IgG = immune globulin G; FDA = federal drug administration; HER2 = human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; T-DM1 = transtuzumab emtansine; mAB = mouse antibody; VEGF = vascular endothelial growth factor TKIs = tyrosine kinases inhibitors; bcr-abl = fusion between the Abelson tyrosine kinase gene and the break point cluster gene, EGFR = epidermal growth factor receptor; ATRA = alltrans retinoic acid; BRAF = gene encoding the protein B-Raf; PARP = Poly adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose polymerase; PD-1 = programmed death protein 1; PD-L1 = programmed death-ligand 1 protein.2.5.