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. 2021 Jun 19;9(6):762. doi: 10.3390/healthcare9060762

Table 1.

Fishbone for in-hospital phase crosswalk. Abbreviations: advanced practice nurse (APN); multi-disciplinary rounds (MDR); discharge (D/C); physical therapy (PT).

Obstacle Potential Solutions
Orders Incomplete
Non-hospitalists give limited phone orders Increase use of hospitalists/unit-based APNs
Variability in physician practices Hospitalists/APNS/MDR rounds
Failure to use order sets APNs
Lack of available order sets/care pathways Develop orders sets/pathways
Testing Delays: Physician Related
Inappropriate tests: not indicated APNs/MDR
Inappropriate tests: Could be done as O/P APNs/MDR
Duplicate testing APNs/MDR
Consultant-related order delay APNs
Poor communication among team members MDR/APNs
Delayed results: echo and stress Remote reading/APN stress model
Testing Delays: System Related
Wasted transport time due to poor test coordination Command center
Limited Capacity/Machines, Techs, Hours
MRI (hours) Staff MRI 24/7
Cath lab (rooms/staff) Improve capacity and efficiency
Ultrasound (hours) Increase evening staffing
Stress test (weekend hours) Institute APN stress model
Transport Delays
Patient/nurse not ready Command center
Lack of transporters Staffing issue
Lack of equipment Purchase wheelchairs/stretchers as needed
Delayed Entry of D/C Orders
Competing priorities MDR/APNs
PMD rounds AFTER office hours APNs
Handoff issues (Weekends) MDR/APNs
Delays 2/2 Rehab Placement
Failure to ambulate OOB initiative
Poor communication among team members MDR/APNs
Delayed PT evaluation Increase PT staffing
Family decision making MDR/APNs