Disease progression caused by Dicekya solani IFB0099 (a,b) and Dicekya dadantii 3937 (c,d) strains on Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type (WT) Col-0 plants, s8h and f6′h1 mutant lines grown in optimal (+Fe; 40 µM Fe2+) (a,c) or Fe-deficient (−Fe, 0 µM Fe2+) (b,d) hydroponic cultures by visual symptom scoring (Disease Severity Scale, DSS). The values represent the mean values of DSS originating from two independent experiments, in each experiment numerous individuals (n = 5–9) per plant genotypes (three leaves per plant) were inoculated for each time point. It is worth noting that the results averaged the DSS values obtained for two independent mutant lines for each tested gene. The mock-inoculated plants (with 0.85% NaCl) did not show the symptoms of the disease progression throughout the experiment. Error bars represent ± standard error (SE).