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. 2020 Dec 26;271(5):963–974. doi: 10.1007/s00406-020-01224-w

Table 2.

Brain areas that showed higher activation to food cues compared to neutral cues in (a) obese individuals and (b) normal-weight participants and (c) brain regions that show a significant interaction between BDNF levels and group status (obese vs. non-obese). Obese individuals had higher cue-reactivity in parts of the inferior frontal gyrus (d), while (e) the control group showed no significant higher activation in any brain area (contrast: “food—neutral”, n = 39, combined voxel-wise—[p < 0.001] and cluster-extent-threshold [k > 41 voxel], corresponding to pFWE < 0.05)

Side Lobe Brain regions Cluster size MNI Coordinates (x, y, z) tmax
Within group
(a) Obese individuals (n = 19)—contrast: Food > Neutral
L and R Occipital, Temporal Superior, Middle and Inferior Occipital Gyrus, Superior, Middle and Inferior Temporal Gyrus, Cuneus, Fusiform Gyrus, Cerebellum, Lingual Gyrus 7221 10 − 90 0 11.28
R Frontal Superior, Middle and Inferior Frontal Gyrus 345 50 48 10 5.97
L Frontal Middle and Inferior Frontal Gyrus 228 − 42 42 12 4.79
R Frontal Orbitofrontal Cortex, Middle Frontal Gyrus 116 42 56 − 8 6.47
R Occipital Superior and Middle Occipital Gyrus, Angular Gyrus 113 30 − 62 36 5.49
R Temporal Inferior Temporal Gyrus, Fusiform Gyrus 108 54 − 60 − 16 5.28
L Precentral Gyrus 103 − 42 − 2 28 4.57
R Cerebellum 74 38 − 78 − 40 5.56
L Insula 54 − 36 26 0 4.24
L and R Middle and Posterior cingulate cortex 53 − 2 − 32 26 4.71
L Insula 53 − 38 2 − 8 4.50
(b) Non-obese individuals (n = 20)—ontrast: Food > Neutral
L and R Occipital Superior, Middle and Inferior Occipital Gyrus, Cuneus, Fusiform Gyrus, Cerebellum, Lingual Gyrus 3824 − 16 − 102 6 8.28
R Cerebellum 137 42 − 58 − 38 5.63
L Frontal Orbitofrontal Cortex, Insula, Middle Frontal Gyrus 133 − 26 36 − 14 4.97
R Frontal Orbitofrontal Cortex, Rectus, Insula 123 22 26 − 18 6.06
L Frontal Superior Medial Frontal Gyrus 55 − 8 60 4 5.40
Group differences
(c) Interaction BDNF levels × group (n = 39)
L Insula (64% of cluster), Rolandic Operculum 168 − 42 − 4 8 6.02
R Insula (21% of cluster), Rolandic Operculum 121 42 − 18 24 4.69
L Frontal Inferior Frontal Gyrus 110 − 34 24 16 4.58
R Frontal Inferior Frontal Gyrus, Postcentral Gyrus 89 40 0 24 4.86
R Frontal Superior and Middle Frontal Gyrus 47 − 18 24 42 4.42
(d) Obese > Control group
L Frontal Inferior Frontal Operculum, Inferior Frontal Triangular Gyrus 58 − 48 20 12 3.99
(e) Control group > Obese