Voluntary exercise in an enriched environment or on a running wheel could facilitate cerebellar motor learning. (A) A mouse exercises in an enriched environment (EE) or on a running wheel. EE or voluntary wheel running likely reduces the density of perineuronal nets (right panels): the upper image shows large neurons surrounded by perineuronal nets labeled by Wisteria floribunda agglutinin (green) in the mouse deep cerebellar nucleus, and the lower shows a predicted image from a mouse kept in an EE or on a running wheel. The upper image is our unpublished data. (B) Voluntary exercise could improve conditioned responses (CRs) of cerebellar motor learning in delay eyeblink conditioning. The upper image is an example of eyelid movement during mouse delay eyeblink conditioning (Hirono et al., 2018). The lower graph shows predicted learning curves obtained from a mouse kept with (Runner) or without (Sedentary) a running wheel, respectively.