Figure S3.
CYRI-A-colocalizes with plasma membrane-associated nascent macropinocytic structures. (See Video 3.) (A–D) Time sequence images of COS-7 cells expressing P16-GFP-CYRI-A or P17-GFP-CYRI-B (cyan) and either mCherry-tagged CLC15 (clathrin light chain 15; A and B), Caveolin-1 (C), or ARF1 (D). Scale bar = 10 µm for full-size image and 5 µm for zooms. (E and F) Time sequence images of live COS-7 cells coexpressing either P16-mCherry-CYRI-A WT or P16-mCherry-CYRI-A RRDD mutant (magenta) and P16-GFP-CYRI-A WT (cyan). (G–L) COS-7 cells coexpressing P16-GFP-CYRI-A (cyan) and two independent PIP3 reporters (magenta), PH-Grp1 (G–I) or PH-Btk (J–L; n = 31 events in 3 cells for Grp1; n = 9 events in 1 cell for Btk). Red line represents the average value. Scale bar = 10 µm for full-size image and 5 µm for zooms. (M and N) Time sequence images of HEK293T cells coexpressing P16-GFP-CYRI-A (cyan) and mScarlet-Lck (labeling the plasma membrane; magenta). The time Lck resides on the vesicles before CYRI-A is recruited is quantified in N (n = 48 events in 10 cells). Scale bar = 10 µm for full-size image and 3 µm for zooms. Red line indicates the average value.