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. 2021 May 17;46(2):558–574. doi: 10.1111/ijcs.12700


Main test CFA result

Constructs Factor loadingsa CR AVE
Perceived Threat (α = 0.80) 0.82 0.61
Our society is vulnerable to the harmful effects of COVID‐19 0.84
Our society is a victim of the COVID‐19 0.67
Our society is threatened by COVID‐19 0.83
Maladaptive rewards (α = 0.83) 0.84 0.64
It is likely that our society would receive gain benefits for not following the measures to respond to COVID‐19 0.77
Our society could benefit from not following the measures to respond to COVID‐19 0.82
Our society benefits financially for choosing not to follow the measures to respond to COVID‐19 0.81
Self‐Efficacy (α = 0.75) 0.77 0.53
Our society will be able to find ways to deal with COVID‐19 0.67
Our society knows how to deal with the situation under the COVID‐19 0.76
I believe our society manages the unexpected situation that the COVID‐19 might bring 0.74
Response cost (α = 0.78) 0.79 0.56
It is very expensive for our society to follow the measures to respond to COVID‐19 0.72
It is very time‐consuming for our society to follow the measures to respond to COVID‐19 0.85
Too much effort is needed for our society to follow the measures to respond to COVID‐19 0.67
Response efficacy (α = 0.69) 0.78 0.54
I am sure that our measures to respond to the COVID‐19 can have a positive effect on curving the impact 0.67
I am confident that together we can cope with the situation under the COVID‐19 0.73
We can do nothing to help control the situation under COVID‐19 (R) 0.79
Hope (α = 0.90) 0.89 0.74
When thinking about the COVID‐19, to what extent do you feel… – Hopeful 0.82
When thinking about the COVID‐19, to what extent do you feel… – Optimistic 0.95
When thinking about the COVID‐19, to what extent do you feel… – Encouraged 0.80
Fear (α = 0.91) 0.88 0.71
When thinking about the COVID‐19, to what extent do you feel… – Fearful 0.98
When thinking about the COVID‐19, to what extent do you feel… – Afraid 0.78
When thinking about the COVID‐19, to what extent do you feel… – Scared 0.76
Support local (α = 0.79) 0.81 0.58
Shop for locally sourced goods 0.78
Order food from locally‐owned restaurants 0.79
Support locally‐owned restaurants by sharing positive reviews 0.73
Conscious Consumption (α = 0.75) 0.78 0.54
Go for fewer trips to the restaurant 0.75
Order food more cost consciously 0.68
Make more environmentally sustainable choices when eating out 0.76
Hygienic behavior (α = 0.81) 0.82 0.61
Use hand sanitizer right after paying If I must handle money, a card, or use a keypad 0.73
Use hand sanitizer after leaving the restaurant 0.86
Wash my hands with soap and water for at least 20 s when I get home 0.73

aAll factor loadings were significant at p < 0.001, α = Cronbach’s alpha.

Abbreviations: AVE, average variance extracted; CR, composite reliability.